Bolinas Gallery
Below is a list of artists who have been featured at the gallery from 1989 to the present. This web gallery features a few examples of their work.
Tamai & Valentino Agnoli
Judy & John Bucklin
Karen & Robert Buckmeyer
Tripp Carpenter
Felicity Crush
Christine decamp
Dan Deon
Tom Diblee
Micah Franklin
Sue Gonsalez
Barbara Henley
Waldermar Hunter
Daniel Joseph
Ruth Kneass
Dietmar Koontz
Lawrence Krames
Dirk McCall
Kimberly McNeelan
Max Meyer
Waldemar Mitrowski
John Montbriand
Stefano Resta
Laurel Segal
Stephen Sekhon
Robert Setrakian
Shayne Skowers
Marjorie Stone
Chris Whitfileld